
Monday, February 14, 2011

The Howling you hear is not the Wind

- by New Deal democrat

From CNN:

President Obama's budget for 2012 takes a sharp knife to government spending, with proposed cuts that will reduce deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars over 10 years.

The cuts hit far and wide: airports, heat subsidies for the poor, water treatment plants and Pell grants are just some of the targets.
At some point in the next month or two, as you walk or drive past a cemetery, you may hear the sound of howling. The howling you hear is not winter storms nor March gales. No, the howling you hear is not the wind.

What you are hearing is the howls of 100,000,000 ghosts: those Americans whose experience of the Great Depression and the New Deal was not in history books or revisionist screeds, but was real, firsthand, heartfelt and known to the very marrow of their bones in life. They are not just howling at the nihilism of the GOP; they always knew about that. They are howling at an Administration whose budget turns its back on the very lives of the neediest at their most desparate hour in seventy years even as it extended profligate tax cuts for the wealthy, and yet still calls itself "democratic."

They are howling in anger and disbelief at an American public which has scorned and forgotten the history that they actually lived. They are howling at you.

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