
Friday, March 30, 2007

OFT Backs Down

Proving once again that the financial regulatory bodies in Britain are "pussies", when it comes to standing up to vested interests, the Office of fair Trading (OFT) has baoked down on imposing limits on bank charges.

The OFT tried its best to save face by shrouding its decision in the thin, and flimsy, veneer of initiating an in depth review.


"The banking industry is not straightforward and that a more detailed examination is needed".

However, the reality is that the OFT has faced sustained and intense lobbying from the banks and they have a greater sway with the OFT than the consumer.

Some banks have threatened to end free accounts, were there to be a regulatory move against excessive and unjustifiable bank charges.

Needless to say, consumer groups see the OFT decisions for what it is (a total climbdown).

Which? said:

"We agree it's crucial the OFT investigates retail bank pricing. But today's announcement still leaves people in the dark about unfair bank charges.

Before the end of the year consumers could be charged up to £3.5BN by their banks in unauthorised overdraft charges. So we are telling consumers not to be put off claiming back their charges while the OFT is looking into this - claim them back now

In 2006 Which? calculated that bank customers pay £4.7BN each year on default charges. No wonder the banks like to make these charges.

John Fingleton, OFT chief executive, said:

"The UK retail banking market performs well in many dimensions, especially relative to international norms. However, the issue of bank current account charges is a matter of real concern to the banks' customers, and raises wider questions about competition and transparency of pricing."

However, just because the OFT are "pussies" doesn't mean that the consumer has to be one. Consumers should challenge every single unreasonable charge levelled on them by banks, as a matter of course, in many cases these challenges result in refunds being made.

If nothing else, at least it annoys the hell out of the banks and might make them think twice about "drinking the well dry" (ie overcharging consumers).

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