
Friday, August 31, 2007

Weekend Weimar

The markets are closed. Now that things have settled down a bit, we will return to Weekend Weimar.

This means:

-- the markets are closed.

-- stop thinking and reading about economics.

-- Read a book. Go for a walk. Do anything but think about economics.

More tomorrow.

Weekend Weimar

The markets are closed. Now that things have settled down a bit, we will return to Weekend Weimar.

This means:

-- the markets are closed.

-- stop thinking and reading about economics.

-- Read a book. Go for a walk. Do anything but think about economics.

More tomorrow.

Bernanke Sets The Right Tone

I've been very critical of Bernanke over the last few weeks, largely because I viewed his cut in the discount rate as the first move in a cut in the Fed Funds rate. My concern here was the Fed engaging in a policy which would encourage more reckless lending behavior. This is the exact same policy that got us into the current mess in the first place.

But his speech today set the perfect tone. Here is the money quote:

It is not the responsibility of the Federal Reserve--nor would it be appropriate--to protect lenders and investors from the consequences of their financial decisions. But developments in financial markets can have broad economic effects felt by many outside the markets, and the Federal Reserve must take those effects into account when determining policy. In a statement issued simultaneously with the discount window announcement, the FOMC indicated that the deterioration in financial market conditions and the tightening of credit since its August 7 meeting had appreciably increased the downside risks to growth. In particular, the further tightening of credit conditions, if sustained, would increase the risk that the current weakness in housing could be deeper or more prolonged than previously expected, with possible adverse effects on consumer spending and the economy more generally.

The incoming data indicate that the economy continued to expand at a moderate pace into the summer, despite the sharp correction in the housing sector. However, in light of recent financial developments, economic data bearing on past months or quarters may be less useful than usual for our forecasts of economic activity and inflation. Consequently, we will pay particularly close attention to the timeliest indicators, as well as information gleaned from our business and banking contacts around the country. Inevitably, the uncertainty surrounding the outlook will be greater than normal, presenting a challenge to policymakers to manage the risks to their growth and price stability objectives. The Committee continues to monitor the situation and will act as needed to limit the adverse effects on the broader economy that may arise from the disruptions in financial markets.

The emboldened sentences are key. Here's the translation.

1.) If you made a bunch of bad loans it's your fault, not ours. Don't expect a bail-out just because you're stupid.

2.) However, there are broader implications to what is happening in the credit markets. If the economy starts to really slow down because of what is happening, we'll have to do something.

He goes on to make some very important points as well.

3.) Recently released economic numbers should be discounted if their constituent parts occurred before the current mess started.

4.) Going forward, we will be especially sensitive to any sign that overall economic growth is slowing because of the problems in the credit markets.

Let's face facts -- Ben has a really hard job right now. He's caught between his mandate for controlling inflation (which may require an interest rate increase) and full employment (which may require a cut in rates). No matter what he does he'll be relentlessly criticized.

But this statement is the perfect compromise because he's essentially saying the following.

1.) We won't bail-out people who were stupid.

2.) We will act to help alleviate the effect of stupid business decisions if those effects start to really hamper growth, and

3.) The economic numbers over the next few months are very important.

While I am still concerned that lower rates will lead to a de-facto bail-out, the underlying reason for lower rates won't be a bail-out but instead to help the broader economy if needed. I can live with that -- and I bet the markets can, too.

Bernanke Sets The Right Tone

I've been very critical of Bernanke over the last few weeks, largely because I viewed his cut in the discount rate as the first move in a cut in the Fed Funds rate. My concern here was the Fed engaging in a policy which would encourage more reckless lending behavior. This is the exact same policy that got us into the current mess in the first place.

But his speech today set the perfect tone. Here is the money quote:

It is not the responsibility of the Federal Reserve--nor would it be appropriate--to protect lenders and investors from the consequences of their financial decisions. But developments in financial markets can have broad economic effects felt by many outside the markets, and the Federal Reserve must take those effects into account when determining policy. In a statement issued simultaneously with the discount window announcement, the FOMC indicated that the deterioration in financial market conditions and the tightening of credit since its August 7 meeting had appreciably increased the downside risks to growth. In particular, the further tightening of credit conditions, if sustained, would increase the risk that the current weakness in housing could be deeper or more prolonged than previously expected, with possible adverse effects on consumer spending and the economy more generally.

The incoming data indicate that the economy continued to expand at a moderate pace into the summer, despite the sharp correction in the housing sector. However, in light of recent financial developments, economic data bearing on past months or quarters may be less useful than usual for our forecasts of economic activity and inflation. Consequently, we will pay particularly close attention to the timeliest indicators, as well as information gleaned from our business and banking contacts around the country. Inevitably, the uncertainty surrounding the outlook will be greater than normal, presenting a challenge to policymakers to manage the risks to their growth and price stability objectives. The Committee continues to monitor the situation and will act as needed to limit the adverse effects on the broader economy that may arise from the disruptions in financial markets.

The emboldened sentences are key. Here's the translation.

1.) If you made a bunch of bad loans it's your fault, not ours. Don't expect a bail-out just because you're stupid.

2.) However, there are broader implications to what is happening in the credit markets. If the economy starts to really slow down because of what is happening, we'll have to do something.

He goes on to make some very important points as well.

3.) Recently released economic numbers should be discounted if their constituent parts occurred before the current mess started.

4.) Going forward, we will be especially sensitive to any sign that overall economic growth is slowing because of the problems in the credit markets.

Let's face facts -- Ben has a really hard job right now. He's caught between his mandate for controlling inflation (which may require an interest rate increase) and full employment (which may require a cut in rates). No matter what he does he'll be relentlessly criticized.

But this statement is the perfect compromise because he's essentially saying the following.

1.) We won't bail-out people who were stupid.

2.) We will act to help alleviate the effect of stupid business decisions if those effects start to really hamper growth, and

3.) The economic numbers over the next few months are very important.

While I am still concerned that lower rates will lead to a de-facto bail-out, the underlying reason for lower rates won't be a bail-out but instead to help the broader economy if needed. I can live with that -- and I bet the markets can, too.

Real PCEs Increase

From the BEA:

Real DPI -- DPI adjusted to remove price changes -- increased 0.5 percent in July, compared with an increase of 0.2 percent in June.

Real PCE -- PCE adjusted to remove price changes -- increased 0.3 percent in July, compared with an increase of less than 0.1 percent in June. Purchases of durable goods increased 0.5 percent, in contrast to a decrease of 1.8 percent. Purchases of nondurable goods increased 0.4 percent, compared with an increase of 0.1 percent. Purchases of services increased 0.2 percent, compared with an increase of 0.3 percent.

PCE price index -- The PCE price index increased 0.1 percent in July, compared with an increase of 0.2 percent in June. The PCE price index, excluding food and energy, increased 0.1 percent, compared with an increase of 0.2 percent.

Here's the chart that really matters -- the inflation-adjusted monthly, seasonally-adjusted annual rate of PCEs. We see an uptick in this months number which is encouraging. The last five months have been a bit stagnant. However, one month does not an increasing trend make. As I said -- this is encouraging but not definitive.

Real PCEs Increase

From the BEA:

Real DPI -- DPI adjusted to remove price changes -- increased 0.5 percent in July, compared with an increase of 0.2 percent in June.

Real PCE -- PCE adjusted to remove price changes -- increased 0.3 percent in July, compared with an increase of less than 0.1 percent in June. Purchases of durable goods increased 0.5 percent, in contrast to a decrease of 1.8 percent. Purchases of nondurable goods increased 0.4 percent, compared with an increase of 0.1 percent. Purchases of services increased 0.2 percent, compared with an increase of 0.3 percent.

PCE price index -- The PCE price index increased 0.1 percent in July, compared with an increase of 0.2 percent in June. The PCE price index, excluding food and energy, increased 0.1 percent, compared with an increase of 0.2 percent.

Here's the chart that really matters -- the inflation-adjusted monthly, seasonally-adjusted annual rate of PCEs. We see an uptick in this months number which is encouraging. The last five months have been a bit stagnant. However, one month does not an increasing trend make. As I said -- this is encouraging but not definitive.

Why A Rate Cut Won't Help

From Reuters:

The credit market is experiencing an unprecedented loss of confidence due to the lack of transparency over where exposures lie rather than underlying credit quality problems, Moody's Investors Service President Brian Clarkson said on Thursday.

I'll be repeating this argument often. The central problem in the credit markets right now is concern over what people are actually buying, not whether or not they have enough money. Lowering the cost of money will not change what people think about the market; it will only force people to dump the new money into T-Bills.

Thanks to Calculated Risk for the link.

Why A Rate Cut Won't Help

From Reuters:

The credit market is experiencing an unprecedented loss of confidence due to the lack of transparency over where exposures lie rather than underlying credit quality problems, Moody's Investors Service President Brian Clarkson said on Thursday.

I'll be repeating this argument often. The central problem in the credit markets right now is concern over what people are actually buying, not whether or not they have enough money. Lowering the cost of money will not change what people think about the market; it will only force people to dump the new money into T-Bills.

Thanks to Calculated Risk for the link.

Another Hedge Fund Bail-Out

From the WSJ:

Barclays Capital rescued from collapse a structured investment vehicle it helped set up last year, after other so-called "SIV-lites" it arranged were forced to wind down.

Barclays Capital, the investment-banking arm of Barclays PLC, said it will provide $1.6 billion in financing to Cairn High Grade Funding I, a vehicle of Cairn Capital, a London-based structured credit specialist that manages about $9 billion.

The funding will be used to redeem maturing commercial paper, and will stay in place until the underlying securities held by Cairn High Grade Funding mature over the next four years or so. But the bank said it has fully hedged its exposure to the underlying U.S. residential mortgage-backed securities in the Cairn portfolio.

Amid concern about Barclays's exposure to Cairn and similar vehicles, the bank on Thursday acknowledged it had borrowed £1.6 billion Wednesday from the Bank of England standing lending facility, citing a technical breakdown in the U.K. clearing system.

The financing announced Friday came as Cairn High Grade Funding teetered on the brink of collapse, having had to recently draw on $442 million in backup liquidity lines from Barclays PLC and Danske Bank after being unable to roll over maturing commercial paper. Ratings agencies Standard & Poor's Corp. and Moody's Investors Service last week said they were reviewing the vehicle's ratings for possible downgrade.

Another Hedge Fund Bail-Out

From the WSJ:

Barclays Capital rescued from collapse a structured investment vehicle it helped set up last year, after other so-called "SIV-lites" it arranged were forced to wind down.

Barclays Capital, the investment-banking arm of Barclays PLC, said it will provide $1.6 billion in financing to Cairn High Grade Funding I, a vehicle of Cairn Capital, a London-based structured credit specialist that manages about $9 billion.

The funding will be used to redeem maturing commercial paper, and will stay in place until the underlying securities held by Cairn High Grade Funding mature over the next four years or so. But the bank said it has fully hedged its exposure to the underlying U.S. residential mortgage-backed securities in the Cairn portfolio.

Amid concern about Barclays's exposure to Cairn and similar vehicles, the bank on Thursday acknowledged it had borrowed £1.6 billion Wednesday from the Bank of England standing lending facility, citing a technical breakdown in the U.K. clearing system.

The financing announced Friday came as Cairn High Grade Funding teetered on the brink of collapse, having had to recently draw on $442 million in backup liquidity lines from Barclays PLC and Danske Bank after being unable to roll over maturing commercial paper. Ratings agencies Standard & Poor's Corp. and Moody's Investors Service last week said they were reviewing the vehicle's ratings for possible downgrade.

Is Construction Employment Lower?

From IBD:

"Jobless claims drifting up as they have is consistent with a slowdown" in GDP growth in the second half of the year, said John Silvia, chief economist at Wachovia.

The uptrend comes as mortgage-related firms slash tens of thousands of jobs amid a housing slump and credit crunch.

Housing starts have crashed 40% from their peak. But construction jobs have fallen just 1% from their cyclical high of 7.725 million reached last September.

Economists say the actual employment figure probably is much lower, partly because builders haven't reported layoffs of undocumented workers and other off-the-books personnel.

"There's a fair amount of labor in the construction industry that is not captured in the payroll survey," said Steve Cochrane, an economist at Moody's Economy.com.

Construction employment may be 160,000 below what current government data show, according to a study last month by Macroeconomic Advisers.

"There are less and less jobs every day," said Mario Lopez, lead organizer for the Cypress Park Community Job Center in Los Angeles. "It's a real problem for us."

If job losses are larger than official stats, consumer spending may face more pressure.

Here is a chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of construction employment. Economists have advanced several theories as to why this number has not dropped in conjunction with the large drop in housing starts. The most common that I have seen are:

1.) Non-residential construction has absorbed the slack (which I have advanced)
2.) The use of illegal/undocumented labor skews the numbers

In reality, I think we are seeing a combination of these two factors in the construction numbers. Non-residential construction spending has been increasing over the last year. In addition, I would assume that undocumented/illegal labor would be the first to go in a slowdown.

However, the low reported unemployment rate does not jibe with several other economic numbers one of which is consumer spending. Inflation-adjusted consumer spending has been slowing down on a month-to-month basis for the last 5 months. It was revised down to 1.4% growth in the latest GDP report. However, a loss of 160,000 construction jobs is more consistent with a slowdown of that magnitude.

Is Construction Employment Lower?

From IBD:

"Jobless claims drifting up as they have is consistent with a slowdown" in GDP growth in the second half of the year, said John Silvia, chief economist at Wachovia.

The uptrend comes as mortgage-related firms slash tens of thousands of jobs amid a housing slump and credit crunch.

Housing starts have crashed 40% from their peak. But construction jobs have fallen just 1% from their cyclical high of 7.725 million reached last September.

Economists say the actual employment figure probably is much lower, partly because builders haven't reported layoffs of undocumented workers and other off-the-books personnel.

"There's a fair amount of labor in the construction industry that is not captured in the payroll survey," said Steve Cochrane, an economist at Moody's Economy.com.

Construction employment may be 160,000 below what current government data show, according to a study last month by Macroeconomic Advisers.

"There are less and less jobs every day," said Mario Lopez, lead organizer for the Cypress Park Community Job Center in Los Angeles. "It's a real problem for us."

If job losses are larger than official stats, consumer spending may face more pressure.

Here is a chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of construction employment. Economists have advanced several theories as to why this number has not dropped in conjunction with the large drop in housing starts. The most common that I have seen are:

1.) Non-residential construction has absorbed the slack (which I have advanced)
2.) The use of illegal/undocumented labor skews the numbers

In reality, I think we are seeing a combination of these two factors in the construction numbers. Non-residential construction spending has been increasing over the last year. In addition, I would assume that undocumented/illegal labor would be the first to go in a slowdown.

However, the low reported unemployment rate does not jibe with several other economic numbers one of which is consumer spending. Inflation-adjusted consumer spending has been slowing down on a month-to-month basis for the last 5 months. It was revised down to 1.4% growth in the latest GDP report. However, a loss of 160,000 construction jobs is more consistent with a slowdown of that magnitude.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

New High/New Low Index Stil Bearish

Here is the New York new high/new low index and the NASDAQ new high/new low index. Notice these are still trending down. That gives me great pause.

New High/New Low Index Stil Bearish

Here is the New York new high/new low index and the NASDAQ new high/new low index. Notice these are still trending down. That gives me great pause.

Today's Markets

The markets traded in two different periods today. First they opened lower on the GDP report. Traders are use to the idea of the Fed cutting rates right now. This news makes that less likely. The SPYs consolidated in a triangle pattern until a little after 13:00, then began the second part of their trading, which was a downward slant move. Overall, the SPYs closed lower by .35% which isn't that bad a drop.

The two day chart shows the opening drop more clearly. It also shows that today's action can be seen just as much as a sideways move as a move lower.

On the daily chart, we're still hugging the 200 day SMA. However, the price action over the last few days should give bulls some hope as the index did not follow though on its sell-off from two days ago.

Overall, this is still a market looking for direction. There is an even split between the bulls and the bears right now and it's keeping the market from moving in either direction.

Today's Markets

The markets traded in two different periods today. First they opened lower on the GDP report. Traders are use to the idea of the Fed cutting rates right now. This news makes that less likely. The SPYs consolidated in a triangle pattern until a little after 13:00, then began the second part of their trading, which was a downward slant move. Overall, the SPYs closed lower by .35% which isn't that bad a drop.

The two day chart shows the opening drop more clearly. It also shows that today's action can be seen just as much as a sideways move as a move lower.

On the daily chart, we're still hugging the 200 day SMA. However, the price action over the last few days should give bulls some hope as the index did not follow though on its sell-off from two days ago.

Overall, this is still a market looking for direction. There is an even split between the bulls and the bears right now and it's keeping the market from moving in either direction.

A Look At the QQQQs

While I usually look at the SPYs, there are of course other markets. One of the constant refrains I read in investment letters is large technology companies look interesting largely because they don't buy mortgages. There are some other reasons for liking this sector. So, here are three charts of the QQQQs.

The first is a 4-year weekly chart. Like the SPYs, this index traded in a wide, upward-sloping channel for the last roughly 4 years. However, the market broke out of this channel earlier this year. If spiked above the upper-channel line and has since dropped back to test this support.

Here is a 3-month daily chart. Notice where the arrow is, right after 8/13. These was a lot of volume on this day and a hanging man candle stick. This indicates this day was a short-term selling climax for the QQQQs. The index rose from there, moving back through the upper-trend line referenced in the above analysis. Since then the index has dropped to that level again, retested and moved higher.

Finally, here is the same 3-month chart with moving averages added. Notice the above mentioned hanging man/high volume day also occurred just above the 200-day SMA. In other words the index fell to a standard technical support line, held and moved higher. The 10-day SMA is about to move through the 20-day SMA which is another bullish indicator. Finally, the recent price action may be enough to start moving the 20-day SMA higher.

Short version -- this index is starting to look very interesting.

A Look At the QQQQs

While I usually look at the SPYs, there are of course other markets. One of the constant refrains I read in investment letters is large technology companies look interesting largely because they don't buy mortgages. There are some other reasons for liking this sector. So, here are three charts of the QQQQs.

The first is a 4-year weekly chart. Like the SPYs, this index traded in a wide, upward-sloping channel for the last roughly 4 years. However, the market broke out of this channel earlier this year. If spiked above the upper-channel line and has since dropped back to test this support.

Here is a 3-month daily chart. Notice where the arrow is, right after 8/13. These was a lot of volume on this day and a hanging man candle stick. This indicates this day was a short-term selling climax for the QQQQs. The index rose from there, moving back through the upper-trend line referenced in the above analysis. Since then the index has dropped to that level again, retested and moved higher.

Finally, here is the same 3-month chart with moving averages added. Notice the above mentioned hanging man/high volume day also occurred just above the 200-day SMA. In other words the index fell to a standard technical support line, held and moved higher. The 10-day SMA is about to move through the 20-day SMA which is another bullish indicator. Finally, the recent price action may be enough to start moving the 20-day SMA higher.

Short version -- this index is starting to look very interesting.

Commercial Paper Market Still Shrinking

From Bloomberg:

The U.S. commercial paper market shrank for a third week, extending the biggest slump in at least seven years, as investors balked at buying short-term debt backed by mortgage assets.

Asset-backed commercial paper, which accounted for half the market, tumbled $59.4 billion to $998 billion in the week ended yesterday, the lowest since December, according to the Federal Reserve. Total short-term debt maturing in 270 days or less fell $62.8 billion to a seasonally adjusted $1.98 trillion.

Commercial paper outstanding has fallen $244.1 billion, or 11 percent, in the past three weeks, suggesting the Fed's Aug. 17 reduction in the discount rate has yet to entice buyers back into the market. More than 20 companies and funds including Cheyne Finance and Thornburg Mortgage Co. failed to sell new paper as investors fled to safer investments.

``I don't think the Fed understands how critical the situation is,'' said Neal Neilinger, co-founder of NSM Capital Management in Greenwich, Connecticut, in an interview today. ``The market is going to overshoot itself and not lend money to people who deserve it.''


Commercial paper is bought by money market funds and mutual funds that invest in short-term debt securities. In asset-backed commercial paper, the cash is used to buy mortgages, bonds, credit card and trade receivables, as well as car loans. Some of the programs are backed by subprime loans. Subprime loans are issued to borrowers with poor credit or high debt.

About 26 percent of asset-backed commercial paper outstanding as of July was used to fund purchases of mortgage- related securities, according to Standard & Poor's. The yield on the highest rated asset-backed paper due in a month reached a six-year high today of 6.18 percent.

Over the last few weeks PIMCOs Bill Gross wrote an article where he basically argued the central problem faced in the markets right now is no one knows where the next problem will pop-up (I believe he used the "where's Waldo" analogy). That perception is starting to bite the markets because no one wants to buy a land mine. As a result, most people are simply shying away from the market altogether.

However, there is no guarantee a rate cut would change this situation. The problem is not about the cost of money. The problem is what will people do with the money. Just because someone has money to spend, it does not mean they are going to spend it on what the market wants them to spend it on. And as recent experience in the T-Bill market shows, people are looking for safety right now. Lowering the fed funds rate will only make that situation worse.

What we have right now is a problem with asset quality and the perception of asset quality. And that won't go away by making it cheaper to buy assets.

Commercial Paper Market Still Shrinking

From Bloomberg:

The U.S. commercial paper market shrank for a third week, extending the biggest slump in at least seven years, as investors balked at buying short-term debt backed by mortgage assets.

Asset-backed commercial paper, which accounted for half the market, tumbled $59.4 billion to $998 billion in the week ended yesterday, the lowest since December, according to the Federal Reserve. Total short-term debt maturing in 270 days or less fell $62.8 billion to a seasonally adjusted $1.98 trillion.

Commercial paper outstanding has fallen $244.1 billion, or 11 percent, in the past three weeks, suggesting the Fed's Aug. 17 reduction in the discount rate has yet to entice buyers back into the market. More than 20 companies and funds including Cheyne Finance and Thornburg Mortgage Co. failed to sell new paper as investors fled to safer investments.

``I don't think the Fed understands how critical the situation is,'' said Neal Neilinger, co-founder of NSM Capital Management in Greenwich, Connecticut, in an interview today. ``The market is going to overshoot itself and not lend money to people who deserve it.''


Commercial paper is bought by money market funds and mutual funds that invest in short-term debt securities. In asset-backed commercial paper, the cash is used to buy mortgages, bonds, credit card and trade receivables, as well as car loans. Some of the programs are backed by subprime loans. Subprime loans are issued to borrowers with poor credit or high debt.

About 26 percent of asset-backed commercial paper outstanding as of July was used to fund purchases of mortgage- related securities, according to Standard & Poor's. The yield on the highest rated asset-backed paper due in a month reached a six-year high today of 6.18 percent.

Over the last few weeks PIMCOs Bill Gross wrote an article where he basically argued the central problem faced in the markets right now is no one knows where the next problem will pop-up (I believe he used the "where's Waldo" analogy). That perception is starting to bite the markets because no one wants to buy a land mine. As a result, most people are simply shying away from the market altogether.

However, there is no guarantee a rate cut would change this situation. The problem is not about the cost of money. The problem is what will people do with the money. Just because someone has money to spend, it does not mean they are going to spend it on what the market wants them to spend it on. And as recent experience in the T-Bill market shows, people are looking for safety right now. Lowering the fed funds rate will only make that situation worse.

What we have right now is a problem with asset quality and the perception of asset quality. And that won't go away by making it cheaper to buy assets.

GDP Increased to 4%

Here is a link to the original report from the BEA.

Here is the report from Bloomberg:

Surging exports and business spending propelled U.S. growth to the fastest pace in more than a year before turmoil in the credit markets forced the Federal Reserve to warn of a bleaker outlook.

Gross domestic product rose at a 4 percent annual rate in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said in Washington, up from an initial estimate of 3.4 percent. The median forecast of economists polled by Bloomberg News was 4.1 percent.

The figures may be the peak of the expansion for this year as the cost of borrowing increased in August and the Fed said that risks to growth ``increased appreciably.'' In a sign that the labor market is weakening, separate government numbers today showed claims for jobless benefits climbed to the highest level since April.

``The underlying economy was growing in the first half,'' said Peter Kretzmer, a senior economist at Banc of America Securities LLC in New York. ``We expect it to slow modestly, but not in such a pronounced way. It will slow enough, though, that the Fed will find an excuse'' to reduce interest rates, he said.

Kretzmer accurately predicted the pace of expansion.

The Fed's preferred inflation measure, which is tied to consumer spending and strips out food and energy costs, rose at a 1.3 percent annual rate. The pace of increase was the slowest in four years.

Personal Consumption Expenditures increase 1.4%, whith is .1% less than the previous number.

Non-residential structures investment increased 27.7%. This number was about 22% in the first GDP report. This pace is unsustainable. I have speculated this surge is the last big move in the investment field from the nonresidential sector. The turmoil in the mortgage markets adds to the credibility of that analysis.

Exports increased 7.6%. This plays into the "foreign market demand will help to prevent a recession" argument, which has also led the bulls to again recommend large US industrial and basic materials companies that have strong international exposure.

Federal spending increased 5.9%. This is also unsustainable, and I expect this rate of increase to slow down in the next few quarters.

This report gives the Fed plenty of reason to not lower interest rates at their next meeting.

GDP Increased to 4%

Here is a link to the original report from the BEA.

Here is the report from Bloomberg:

Surging exports and business spending propelled U.S. growth to the fastest pace in more than a year before turmoil in the credit markets forced the Federal Reserve to warn of a bleaker outlook.

Gross domestic product rose at a 4 percent annual rate in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said in Washington, up from an initial estimate of 3.4 percent. The median forecast of economists polled by Bloomberg News was 4.1 percent.

The figures may be the peak of the expansion for this year as the cost of borrowing increased in August and the Fed said that risks to growth ``increased appreciably.'' In a sign that the labor market is weakening, separate government numbers today showed claims for jobless benefits climbed to the highest level since April.

``The underlying economy was growing in the first half,'' said Peter Kretzmer, a senior economist at Banc of America Securities LLC in New York. ``We expect it to slow modestly, but not in such a pronounced way. It will slow enough, though, that the Fed will find an excuse'' to reduce interest rates, he said.

Kretzmer accurately predicted the pace of expansion.

The Fed's preferred inflation measure, which is tied to consumer spending and strips out food and energy costs, rose at a 1.3 percent annual rate. The pace of increase was the slowest in four years.

Personal Consumption Expenditures increase 1.4%, whith is .1% less than the previous number.

Non-residential structures investment increased 27.7%. This number was about 22% in the first GDP report. This pace is unsustainable. I have speculated this surge is the last big move in the investment field from the nonresidential sector. The turmoil in the mortgage markets adds to the credibility of that analysis.

Exports increased 7.6%. This plays into the "foreign market demand will help to prevent a recession" argument, which has also led the bulls to again recommend large US industrial and basic materials companies that have strong international exposure.

Federal spending increased 5.9%. This is also unsustainable, and I expect this rate of increase to slow down in the next few quarters.

This report gives the Fed plenty of reason to not lower interest rates at their next meeting.

The Markets Are Working Properly; Let Them Work

From the WSJ:

On the short end of the maturity spectrum, demand remained solid as investors continued to turn away from risk and seek safety. As a result, the bond-equivalent yield on three-month T-bills fell as low as 3.91%, though it ended the session off that low at 3.984%.

Amid the dash for cash, the government's auction of $18 billion in two-year notes was nearly four times subscribed, the best level since 1988, according to Ian Lyngen, interest-rate strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital in Greenwich, Conn. Indirect bidders, domestic and foreign institutions, including foreign central banks, took 32.5% of the new two-year notes.

From IBD:

In fact, money market funds have seen record inflow as investors seek their safety. The Investment Company Institute said $43.67 billion went into money market funds the week ended Aug. 16. The previous week, it was $49.28 billion.

That's more than double the flow — $18.13 billion — for the week ended Aug. 1, before the subprime crisis picked up steam.

Money market funds are moving to shorter duration securities, despite the market's expectation of a decrease in the federal funds rate. Not long ago, the bias was toward a rate increase because of Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke's public stance that inflation was a concern.


Jim McDonald, portfolio manager of taxable money market funds at T. Rowe Price, says that's odd. Ordinarily when the Fed plans to lower rates, money market funds move to longer duration securities to lock in higher yields.

But managers are so uncertain about further fallout from the subprime crisis that they are moving a chunk of their money into securities that mature the next day.

Here's a chart of the T-Bill yield.

And here's a graph of the current yield curve.

The flight to quality and the weight it is putting on the short-term part of the government yield curve is a primary reason why some some people are calling for a rate cut from the Fed. But there are some points these people are missing.

First -- this move shouldn't be overly surprising. During times of market turmoil, investors usually put money in safe and liquid short-term government bonds. This is often called a "flight to safety" because of the inherent nearly risk-free profile of government debt. In other words, investors are doing exactly what they should be doing during a period of market turmoil.

Secondly -- this isn't a bad thing. Investors are parking cash on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity. While these investments are safe, they don't yield that much after inflation. That means investors will eventually tire of low yields and look for a better return. There is no actual time line as to when this will happen. But if people continue to flock into the short-end of the curve, yields will continue to decrease, lowering return. And the lower the return goes, the more incentive investors have to look for higher yield somewhere else.

Third -- a steeper yield curve positively effects the Federal Reserve's outlook. A flat or inverted yield curve is usually a sign of an impending recession. A steep or normally inverted yield curve is the way the yield curve is supposed to look, with longer-dated bonds yielding more than shorter bonds. This is a yield curve that does not say recession. Remember that in this analysis, the reason for the yield curve's shape isn't important; all that matters is the actual shape.

In other words, right now investors are acting very rationally. More importantly, the market is acting as it should act.

The people calling for an interest rate cut want immediate gratification; they do not want the markets to work as they should.
Instead, they are use to being bailed out of market turmoil by the Fed. This is to be expected given the Fed's actions in recent market problems. Here is a chart from the above cited WSJ article of the Fed's action to market problems. Note that over the last 15+ years, Greenspan has ridden to the rescue with an interest rate cut in the Fed Funds rate.

Right now the markets are doing exactly what they should be doing. When they unlock and move from government debt to higher yielding assets is unknown. But that will eventually happen. I hope the Fed let's that happen naturally.

The Markets Are Working Properly; Let Them Work

From the WSJ:

On the short end of the maturity spectrum, demand remained solid as investors continued to turn away from risk and seek safety. As a result, the bond-equivalent yield on three-month T-bills fell as low as 3.91%, though it ended the session off that low at 3.984%.

Amid the dash for cash, the government's auction of $18 billion in two-year notes was nearly four times subscribed, the best level since 1988, according to Ian Lyngen, interest-rate strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital in Greenwich, Conn. Indirect bidders, domestic and foreign institutions, including foreign central banks, took 32.5% of the new two-year notes.

From IBD:

In fact, money market funds have seen record inflow as investors seek their safety. The Investment Company Institute said $43.67 billion went into money market funds the week ended Aug. 16. The previous week, it was $49.28 billion.

That's more than double the flow — $18.13 billion — for the week ended Aug. 1, before the subprime crisis picked up steam.

Money market funds are moving to shorter duration securities, despite the market's expectation of a decrease in the federal funds rate. Not long ago, the bias was toward a rate increase because of Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke's public stance that inflation was a concern.


Jim McDonald, portfolio manager of taxable money market funds at T. Rowe Price, says that's odd. Ordinarily when the Fed plans to lower rates, money market funds move to longer duration securities to lock in higher yields.

But managers are so uncertain about further fallout from the subprime crisis that they are moving a chunk of their money into securities that mature the next day.

Here's a chart of the T-Bill yield.

And here's a graph of the current yield curve.

The flight to quality and the weight it is putting on the short-term part of the government yield curve is a primary reason why some some people are calling for a rate cut from the Fed. But there are some points these people are missing.

First -- this move shouldn't be overly surprising. During times of market turmoil, investors usually put money in safe and liquid short-term government bonds. This is often called a "flight to safety" because of the inherent nearly risk-free profile of government debt. In other words, investors are doing exactly what they should be doing during a period of market turmoil.

Secondly -- this isn't a bad thing. Investors are parking cash on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity. While these investments are safe, they don't yield that much after inflation. That means investors will eventually tire of low yields and look for a better return. There is no actual time line as to when this will happen. But if people continue to flock into the short-end of the curve, yields will continue to decrease, lowering return. And the lower the return goes, the more incentive investors have to look for higher yield somewhere else.

Third -- a steeper yield curve positively effects the Federal Reserve's outlook. A flat or inverted yield curve is usually a sign of an impending recession. A steep or normally inverted yield curve is the way the yield curve is supposed to look, with longer-dated bonds yielding more than shorter bonds. This is a yield curve that does not say recession. Remember that in this analysis, the reason for the yield curve's shape isn't important; all that matters is the actual shape.

In other words, right now investors are acting very rationally. More importantly, the market is acting as it should act.

The people calling for an interest rate cut want immediate gratification; they do not want the markets to work as they should.
Instead, they are use to being bailed out of market turmoil by the Fed. This is to be expected given the Fed's actions in recent market problems. Here is a chart from the above cited WSJ article of the Fed's action to market problems. Note that over the last 15+ years, Greenspan has ridden to the rescue with an interest rate cut in the Fed Funds rate.

Right now the markets are doing exactly what they should be doing. When they unlock and move from government debt to higher yielding assets is unknown. But that will eventually happen. I hope the Fed let's that happen naturally.


Those who occupy the top positions in Britain's boardrooms have had rather a pleasant year. The BBC report that directors of Britain's leading companies saw their pay jump 37% over the past year.

Those in charge of firms listed on London's FTSE 100 index earned, for the first time, more than £1BN in total for the 12 months to the end of June.

The best place to be is, of course, a bank - Barclays Bank.

Now you know why banks need to keep their charges so high!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Today's Markets

What a difference a day -- and more speculation of a rate cut -- makes.

As the Briefing noted:

Onward and upward remains the driving mantra heading into the final hour of trading. With all eyes on Bernanke this week ahead of his opening remarks at a Fed symposium -- a speech we don't believe will offer as clear-cut a signal about the Fed's next move as some on Wall Street are hoping (i.e. there won't be a Q&A session) -- the Fed Chairman reportedly telling Senator Schumer the Fed is ready to "act as needed" has given stocks an added boost.

Even though the letter was dated on Monday, the Fed also reiterating its commitment to ensure financial markets have adequate liquidity serves as a reminder about the surprise cut in the discount rate on August 17 that reduced the probability that the liquidity crunch would result in a recession.

This is nearly the exact same statement the Fed made about a week ago through Chris Dodd. This has reassured the markets that a Fed cut is in the works.

Here's the 2-day, five minute chart of the SPYs. Notice a few things.

1.) Volume picked-up throughout the afternoon. This simply means the buyers were getting more excited both by the actual market action and the possibility of a rate cut.

2.) The market closed over yesterday's open. Technically, this is pretty important.

Here's a three day chart. I put this up because the market formed a head and shoulders pattern (which you can see outlined by the arrows). However, most of the upward play from this pattern is probably already worked into the current closing price.

Here's the 3-month daily chart. Today's volume wasn't that spectacular. That's usually a big warning sign to me. I like seeing buyers in an upward trending market. But the recent volume figures just aren't cutting it for me.

The good news from today's action is buyers seem to be more than willing to come into the market to buy on dips right now. That helps to prevent multi-day slides. But the lack of volume indicates there aren't that many buyers right now. In other words, I'm not seeing an "all clear" sign from the market in any way.

Yesterday I called for a double-bottom. I'm still holding to that call right now. We've only had about a week or so without negative news from the mortgage market. We need at least another week before we can move higher.

Today's Markets

What a difference a day -- and more speculation of a rate cut -- makes.

As the Briefing noted:

Onward and upward remains the driving mantra heading into the final hour of trading. With all eyes on Bernanke this week ahead of his opening remarks at a Fed symposium -- a speech we don't believe will offer as clear-cut a signal about the Fed's next move as some on Wall Street are hoping (i.e. there won't be a Q&A session) -- the Fed Chairman reportedly telling Senator Schumer the Fed is ready to "act as needed" has given stocks an added boost.

Even though the letter was dated on Monday, the Fed also reiterating its commitment to ensure financial markets have adequate liquidity serves as a reminder about the surprise cut in the discount rate on August 17 that reduced the probability that the liquidity crunch would result in a recession.

This is nearly the exact same statement the Fed made about a week ago through Chris Dodd. This has reassured the markets that a Fed cut is in the works.

Here's the 2-day, five minute chart of the SPYs. Notice a few things.

1.) Volume picked-up throughout the afternoon. This simply means the buyers were getting more excited both by the actual market action and the possibility of a rate cut.

2.) The market closed over yesterday's open. Technically, this is pretty important.

Here's a three day chart. I put this up because the market formed a head and shoulders pattern (which you can see outlined by the arrows). However, most of the upward play from this pattern is probably already worked into the current closing price.

Here's the 3-month daily chart. Today's volume wasn't that spectacular. That's usually a big warning sign to me. I like seeing buyers in an upward trending market. But the recent volume figures just aren't cutting it for me.

The good news from today's action is buyers seem to be more than willing to come into the market to buy on dips right now. That helps to prevent multi-day slides. But the lack of volume indicates there aren't that many buyers right now. In other words, I'm not seeing an "all clear" sign from the market in any way.

Yesterday I called for a double-bottom. I'm still holding to that call right now. We've only had about a week or so without negative news from the mortgage market. We need at least another week before we can move higher.

A Really Good Explanation Of What Has Happened

From Business Week:

Making sense of this mess is daunting. One good place to start: the ways various financial players indulged in layer upon layer of leverage, much of it far from transparent.

Mortgage lenders threw out common sense underwriting standards.

Wall Street sliced and diced the loans, creating the illusion that risk somehow disappeared in the process.

Hedge funds then multiplied the leverage by borrowing copiously to buy securities based on the rearranged mortgages.

In their version of the game, private equity firms used loads of debt to launch unprecedented buyouts.

A Really Good Explanation Of What Has Happened

From Business Week:

Making sense of this mess is daunting. One good place to start: the ways various financial players indulged in layer upon layer of leverage, much of it far from transparent.

Mortgage lenders threw out common sense underwriting standards.

Wall Street sliced and diced the loans, creating the illusion that risk somehow disappeared in the process.

Hedge funds then multiplied the leverage by borrowing copiously to buy securities based on the rearranged mortgages.

In their version of the game, private equity firms used loads of debt to launch unprecedented buyouts.

Yen and T-Bill

Two keys to the current market situation are the Yen and short-term Treasury bonds. The yen is a proxy for the carry trade (borrowing in another currency and lending/investing in the US), and the T-bill is a proxy for the short-term part of the market. If money is still concerned about volatility, then the T-bill yield will drop. The converse is also true.


Daily Chart

The yen spiked higher then sold-off. The post-spike sell-off is a standard move in the markets.

Here's the weekly chart.

In the circled area note the following.

1.) Prices broke above long-term resistance.

2.) Prices fell back to long-term resistance.

3.) Prices rose from long-term resistance a second time.

Because the carry-trade is so important to finance right now a continued move above the resistance line is very important to watch.


T-Bill yields have retreated from their highs at the start of the credit market problems. While they haven't returned to the previous levels, pressure is easing in this part of the credit market for now.

Yen and T-Bill

Two keys to the current market situation are the Yen and short-term Treasury bonds. The yen is a proxy for the carry trade (borrowing in another currency and lending/investing in the US), and the T-bill is a proxy for the short-term part of the market. If money is still concerned about volatility, then the T-bill yield will drop. The converse is also true.


Daily Chart

The yen spiked higher then sold-off. The post-spike sell-off is a standard move in the markets.

Here's the weekly chart.

In the circled area note the following.

1.) Prices broke above long-term resistance.

2.) Prices fell back to long-term resistance.

3.) Prices rose from long-term resistance a second time.

Because the carry-trade is so important to finance right now a continued move above the resistance line is very important to watch.


T-Bill yields have retreated from their highs at the start of the credit market problems. While they haven't returned to the previous levels, pressure is easing in this part of the credit market for now.

Credit Card Charges

Which? has discovered a game easier than shooting pigs in a barrel, that of criticising the charges made by credit card companies on their hapless customers.

Which? state that since the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) ordered a cut in default fees to £12 last year, "ingenious methods" had been used to recoup the income.

Needless to say the banking industry has denied that is is acting unfairly, and claims that different fees were inevitable after the OFT ruling.

True enough, if they want to maintain their very high levels of profits.

Which? highlighted a number of money making charges levied by the card companies, including:

-Low usage fees
-Raised interest rates for withdrawing cash
-Annual fees for having a card
-Fees for using cards abroad
-Shorter interest free periods

Martyn Hocking, editor of Which? Money, said:

"Credit card providers seem to be resorting to a raft of ingenious methods to recoup lost revenue following the OFT crackdown on penalty fees."

Sandra Quinn, of the UK payments association Apacs, retorted:

"We always said that charges would change as a result of the OFT ruling.

We have been much more upfront about how charges are applied - every statement now has a summary box listing charges and key information about charging

The latter part about being "more upfront" is particularly amusing, as it implies that credit card companies tried to hide their fees before!

Why would they do that then?

The credit card industry is also in trouble in respect of its many and varied methods for calculating the annual rate of interest (APR). Which? claim that there are at least 12 different methods in use for calculating an APR.

Following a complaint from Which? in April, the OFT said it would investigate the issue.

As I have noted before, banks are not charities. They are in business to make money, when one avenue for making money is closed they will find another. They treat their customers in this way because they know that they can get away with it, and know that many of their customers are so deeply in debt that they think that they need a credit card just to keep their heads above water.

In order to avoid these charges:

1 Pay off your credit card in full each month

2 Dump those cards that have an annual fee or low usage fee

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More Charts For the SPYs

Here is a 1-year chart for the SPYs. I added support lines. We have about 1.2% to 1.9% before we hit the lowest support line on the chart.

Here's the 3-year chart. Notice

1.) The index broke out of a channel in late October 2006. Right now the index is bouncing on top of that channel. I you think of the channel as a mean price channel, than recent action is merely a reversion to the mean. Granted -- it could take awhile to return to mean levels.

2.) The 3-year uptrend is still very much intact. The index would have to drop another 7.69% to approach the lower trend line.

Here's a 3-year weekly chart with the MACD. Notice that according to the MACD we could have a bit longer downturn.

Here are two very important breadth charts from Stockcharts.com. The first is the New York new High/Low and the second is the NASDAQ new high/low. I have been harping on these charts for awhile, but the reason is very sound. When a market is really rallying, stocks are moving to new highs. Over the latest post-Fed rally, the number of new lows and new highs has been equal. That is not a rally.

New York New High/Low

NASDAQ New High/Low

More Charts For the SPYs

Here is a 1-year chart for the SPYs. I added support lines. We have about 1.2% to 1.9% before we hit the lowest support line on the chart.

Here's the 3-year chart. Notice

1.) The index broke out of a channel in late October 2006. Right now the index is bouncing on top of that channel. I you think of the channel as a mean price channel, than recent action is merely a reversion to the mean. Granted -- it could take awhile to return to mean levels.

2.) The 3-year uptrend is still very much intact. The index would have to drop another 7.69% to approach the lower trend line.

Here's a 3-year weekly chart with the MACD. Notice that according to the MACD we could have a bit longer downturn.

Here are two very important breadth charts from Stockcharts.com. The first is the New York new High/Low and the second is the NASDAQ new high/low. I have been harping on these charts for awhile, but the reason is very sound. When a market is really rallying, stocks are moving to new highs. Over the latest post-Fed rally, the number of new lows and new highs has been equal. That is not a rally.

New York New High/Low

NASDAQ New High/Low


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